

The Automatic Pig Counter

The SmartCounting system uses a camera to count pigs of all sizes and colours with an accuracy of 99.9%. Pigs are counted or subtracted depending on the direction of travel through an aisle, humans are not counted. The pig counter can be started and stopped at the touch of a button and the result is available in real time on the hardware or on any device (smartphone, tablet, computer) via a web application.

This ingenious system virtually eliminates human error in pig counting, which in turn minimises the financial loss from inaccurate manual counting due to excess in delivery. Moreover, farm staff can now focus on other tasks instead of wasting time manually counting pigs, contributing to increased productivity and efficiency during moving and loading of animals.


  • Accurate pig counts in real time with data storage (CSV, PDF, API)
  • Minimise financial losses as counts are consistent regardless of employee performance
  • Lower stress on animals during loading or transfer, especially in hot climates
  • Exact number of pigs per herd/sale
  • Offline use (no internet required)
  • Easy plug-and-count installation (no IT / no electrician)
  • User-friendly (no training required)
  • Flexible system (multi-farm use)
  • Animal welfare (less stress, no pile formation, fewer injuries)
  • Labour protection (less stress, reduction in noise levels)


  • Accuracy of 99.99%
  • SmartCounting adds or subtracts the figures according to the direction of travel
  • Web application available