

Simple hand-gathering nest for smaller houses

Simplicity perfected with the manual nest with deep litter flooring and easy hand gathering. Track-and-carry trolley system for the hatching eggs is also installed in the house for convenient and safe egg collection.

Nipple drinkers and chain feeding lines (suspended or standing) are installed at both long sides of the house for the hens. Optionally, male feeding can be done separately, with their feeding and drinking systems situated centrally between the nest rows to encourage healthy mating activities.

We will plan and design the house that creates the best Breeder environment to meet your requirements. We ensure that all aspects of breeding are integrated, synchronised seamlessly by utilising quality equipment, buildings and innovative technology so that you can have a successful breeder operation with production flow to meet your day-old chick demand.


  • Easy to assemble since as it comes partly assembled with less components
  • Comes with a sturdy design, along with easily removable covers
  • Efficiently dissipates static electricity 
  • Offers vast coverage of the egg belt
  • Provides smoother egg belt run compared to its predecessor
  • Offers easy accessibility for birds to reach their nests thanks to the optimized entrance and nest hole height
  • Provides amazing hatching egg quality, due to a wire mesh egg channel with a perforated egg belt


  • Track-and-carry trolley system for eggs
  • Nipple drinkers 
  • Female Champion Chain Feeding System 
  • Or pan feeding with ReproMatic and FlexxBreeder
  • Separate Male Feeding Systems , Pan or Chain Feeding 
  • Daily accurate feeds weighing for monitoring and feed control