Air Scrubber for CompoLiner

Air Scrubber for CompoLiner

Exhaust air cleaning module to keep emissions at bay

Developed for Big Dutchman’s CompoLiner composting concept, the CompoLiner Air Scrubber module is a must have for locations with high emissions of Ammonia, dust, and odour arising from the composting processes. Prefabricated in a plastic housing, the scrubber’s well-dimensioned body ensures the cleaning of exhaust air from one CompoLiner system using a single module. It is fitted with a technical room, acid container, acid pump, safety provisions, and an emergency shower. All the technical parts are mounted in the technical room.

The air duct makes way for exhaust air into the CompoLiner AirScrubber system. The contaminants dust, ammonia, odour components, and particulate matter get treated by the process water, which is recirculated till a certain pollution level. The process water's pH level and conductivity are measured and regulated automatically.


  • Quick and easy on-site placement with a technical room fitted to its side
  • Automatic system
  • Modular and flexible system
  • Minimal footprint
  • Cleans one Big Dutchman CompoLiner by a single module