510pro Controller

510<em>pro</em> Controller

Efficient and smart feed controller

The 510pro Controller is Big Dutchman’s ultimate system to control pig feeding. When paired with Big Farm Net farm management system, the controller works for sorting scales, liquid and dry feeding systems, ESF stations, individual feeding in the farrowing area, and feeding systems for suckling pigs. The mechanism offers central control of the CallBackpro, Callmaticpro, Call-Inpro or the TriSortpro systems.


  • Easy to manage and monitor
  • Comes with a big screen display, offering a comprehensive overview
  • Provides user-friendly settings
  • Always up-to-date, thanks to its digital features
  • Comfortable to use and fast to deliver


  • The controller has a 10” inch display
  • It is located in the hallway outside the harsh barn environment