Big Dutchman's wall inlets are made of a shock-proof, recyclable, non- deformable and UV-stabilised plastic material. The insulated inlet flap is kept in a closed position by rust-proof steel springs, thus sealing the building airtight. The inlet flap opens through downward pull. This allows very precise regulation of the inlet opening in each season.
The corresponding control set opens the fresh air inlets either all at once or individually. With the patented advanced inlet control (not applicable for inlets type B/F), a single action at each inlet pre-defines which inlets open first and which open later.
The inlets can also be combined with a Light Trap to reduce the incidence of light in the house without affecting the air flow rate. The easy to assemble, lightweight Light Trap prevents direct sunlight in the house with a light reduction of 6000:1, while being easy to clean and maintain.