

The animal-friendly cup drinker for ducks

Pekino is a drinker for ducks developed in cooperation with the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and other experienced experts. The Pekino drinker ideally meets the natural and biological requirements of ducks regarding water. The cup’s special design enables the ducks to easily drink from the cup, wash their bill and even submerge their entire head. These are important prerequisites to keep the ducks healthy, leading to ideal fattening results.


  • Ideally meets the biological requirements of ducks by supplying water in an animal-friendly way
  • Enables the ducks to easily drink from the cup, wash their bill and even submerge their entire head
  • The system allows the ducks to carry out their natural behaviour such as dabbling, straining and preening
  • More water can flow into the cup when the duck nudges the mobile pendulum
  • Reduces water losses due to overflowing


  • Deep-drawn, funnel-shaped cup
  • Mobile pendulum enables ducks to independently let water flow into the cup
  • Special rim for returning water
  • Fulfils the requirements in section 11, paragraph 2 of the "Recommendation concerning domestic ducks" of the Council of Europe
  • Pekino is an additional water source and should be combined with conventional nipple drinkers
  • The drinker line should be installed above the plastic slats where such flooring is used